Sunday, January 11, 2009

Better here or better here?

Pretend you are at your eye doctor getting your eyes tested. This is a comparison of my last night in Syracuse over the holidays to being back in San Diego.

Better here?

Or Better here?

Better here?

Or Better here?

It's a pretty simple choice really. I'll take "Jeepers" or "Little Beave" over a little red thing any day. Snow removal or no snow removal.

My third car rental is a red VW Rabbit hatchback. I can't think of a fun name for it. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Kris said...

Man, Terry nobody loves you anymore, no comments on any of your recent posts. Ally must be sleeping on the job!

Sorry no good names for your new car. I'm so unoriginal with names.

Definitely not better here in Syracuse without you!